In the two CD set Cherrie has developed a practical guide to receiving the cries of you heart.
Disc One- "Understanding Levels of Intercession" Passion, petition, prayer and intercession
Disc Two- "Scriptures and Intercessory Prayer For Healing" Cherrie stands with you for you healing praying the scriptures for your manifestation.
Learning to hear the supernatural voice of the Holy Spirit.
In this CD, Cherrie shares practical steps on how to activate the gift of Words of Knowledge in your everyday life. She covers an indept study on the ways the Holy Spirit speaks to us and how we are designed to be a portal for the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Transformation is a Kingdom Reality. In this one cd teaching Cherrie speaks to the desire to see personal as well as city and regional transformation and what it takes to make it happen.
Cherrie gives keys that will enable the listener to begin the journey of walking in the realm of the power of God’s kingdom and experience personal change in this CD.
In this one CD teaching Cherrie gives practical steps of walking out a revelation of how the Kingdom of God and the eternal powers and truths invade our lives by reaching from eterenity and pulling them into time now. As you listen you will find new truth to apply to your life today.
If you seem to find your life going in circles and repeating patterns not matter how hard to try to change then this CD course from Kingdom Legacy may be what your looking form. Discover the freedom of forgiveness and the strength of learning to trust again as we look into the integrated approach to healing through healing intergration.
"Restoring Foundational Trust"
"Healing The Wounded Heart"
"Released From Inner Vows"
"Removing Roots of Bitterness Part 1
"Removing Roots of Bitterness" Part 2
"The Sozo Method"
CD One
Michael gives valuable instructions onthe re-adjustment that must be made in our belief system concerning the heart of God and our provision.
CD Two
In this CD, Cherrie shares practical steps for releasing supernatural abundance through the act of impartation, that is rooting in the expression of the Father's love.